Walters Paving Company had a very modest beginning. Mac and Lois started the company out in 1982 with just enough equipment to get by on. They would spend their days working hard to provide for their three children (Maggie, Charley and Myra). At night Mac would come home and make any repairs to the equipment so that it would be ready to go out again the next day while Lois would take care of the kids. Times have not always been easy, but hard work and faith has always led this family through. Mac and Lois were able to install a belief of hard work and ethics into each of there kids by showing them.
Through their VERY hard work Mac and Lois were able to help each of their three kids receive college educations. Maggie has a BA degree in Music Education from Furman University and a Masters from Southern Wesleyan, Charley has a BA degree in Business Administration from Anderson University and Myra has a BS degree in Crop and Soil Science from Clemson University.
You might could say that Charley had the true roots into the company though. Many don't know this but growing up Charley was very active in 4-H. Through 4-H Charley raised prize winning hogs and cows. When Walters Paving Company was first starting out you could definitely say that times were tough. Charley gave up his prize winning Hereford cow and bull calf to help the company buy the needed equipment to keep the company running. Today, Charley has had no regrets on his choice as a child!
Walters Paving Company has worked very hard to reach the place that they are today and continue to work hard to maintain their name as quality. Walters Paving Company may be just a small staffed business, but they are able to compete with much larger companies because of their hard work ethic! Everyone on the crew has a job and everyone on the crew does their job. This group is hard working and loves the job they do.